Asterium Prints 

The site:

Click the link above to visit the site. On there you will be guided through the process of ordering your print. If you don't own Asterium #1 through #15 (eligible for print) you can still view the high resolution outputs of the artwork.

If you are not eligible for a print but still want to place an order, feel free to reach out on Twitter and I'll see what I can do.

About Asterium: 

Asterium is a generative artwork I made in November 2022, it is an artwork that evolves over time. At the time of writing this it has grown 174 days already and is becoming quite massive. In total the artwork will evolve for 365 days and reach its equilibrium. This will happen on November 19th, my birthday :).

This is how it looked on November 19th, 2022 vs how it looks today (April 3rd, 2023):

asterium on day 1 asterium on day 174


asterium detail

If you want to find out more about the artwork, you can find the fxhash page here. I'll also be writing a more detailed write up on the artwork in the near future.

High res: 

There's also a page where you can view high resolution outputs of the artwork here. Keep in mind that these can be quite resource intensive to load, so if you have a slow computer it might take a while, or even crash your browser. I recommend using a computer with a decent GPU, if you have one. Otherwise I recommend looking at the fxhash page (above).

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Cover Image for Desolate